Home away from home

Home away from home

Friday, July 10, 2015

Long time no see

I kinda fell off a bit on keeping everyone updated. I've tried several times but couldn't get the words to come out just right. We have been on this job for so long so not much exciting has been happening very often. But here is a little bit of what we have been up to.

In June we went on yet another vacation, our first real vacation that didn't involve going home. We went back to our favorite place, Gatlinburg, TN. This was our first time to return since our honeymoon so we made it our anniversary vacation trip this year. Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge was a blast as always and the company (Jesse and Harley) we took along made the trip even better. And of course the excitement didn't end when we left Tennessee. Our tried and trusty old truck that dad sold us broke down on us just before the Kentucky/Ohio border. The fuel pump went out, but thankfully Dylan and Jesse had the knowledge to know how to change it. And a big thanks to a local lady who shuttled us back and forth to the parts store. So instead of making it home at a decent hour we finally made it to the trailer about 12 am the next morning. 

The conclusion of this vacation trip also concluded Dylan's 1 month of working in vacation mode :) He took full advantage, while still allowing just enough time for work to get done. 

Another awesome thing we were able to do was visit a deer farm just up the road. It was so much fun seeing all the deer so up close, seeing the new babies, and feeding the deer. We can't wait to go back when the bucks are out of velvet. Plus we are watching a nice 9/10 point here at the trailer. He comes out almost every evening just behind our trailer in the right-of-way. 

Everyone thought we were crazy but we replaced our upstairs a/c in the trailer, the first day it made such a big difference it was nice for the trailer not to be 80 inside. But in Michigan fashion it was just a day or two before it was cool again and the a/c hasn't ran that much.

4th of July was a big monumental time for us. Once again it was a holiday where we broke away from our old traditions to start out own. Yes, I would have loved to been a Lake Bruin where the water was warm but instead we were on the AuSable Rive that was freezing. This once again confirms that people from Michigan are crazy, and I guess we are too now, for getting in water that cold. It was nice and relaxing tubing down the river after getting over the shock of the cold water. 

Like I said before we have been on this job a while, since February actually, and we can finally see the end. YAY!? Not really, we have a week or two of work left here then its on to the new place. Where will that be??? WE are not exactly sure either, but I will be sure to update everyone as soon as we know. On another note a bigger trailer means bigger stuff. Last year to pack the little trailer and be ready to move I needed 30 minutes, now I need 2 days and I am not exactly sure where everything is going to go so that it fits! Oh the joys of living in a camper!