Home away from home

Home away from home

Monday, September 29, 2014

Want to leave us a comment???

It was brought to our attention that to comment on our blog could be a bit confusing when it come to which option to select if you don't have a google account.

The easiest option I have come up with is select Name/URL in the drop down box and just leave your name you do not have to put in a URL. Then submit your comment :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

For the love of Ice Cream

One thing we both looked forward to when we decided to head north was the fact that you can always find an ice cream shop where ever you are. Dylan has always loved going to get ice cream as it is a fond memory he has from growing up. When in New York he would always go with his Uncle Rod to get ice cream. It is a memory that he talks about often when remembering his uncle.

So it didn't take us long to find the ice creams shops here in Carson City after we got settled in. The other day, a few days before school started, I entered the grocery store and noticed the small shop inside the store was closed. Reason being it is the end of season. How can it be the end of ice cream season? This was hard to process, coming from the south where it is always ice cream season. We get ice cream on Christmas day, we huddle around heaters with it freezing to eat homemade ice cream, we love our ice cream. So for everyone in the south it is always ice cream season.

All this talk about ice cream has got me wanting some, so here it to hoping Heralds is still open for the season!